Price Glance's fair price algorithm

With the repricing module, you have the ability to establish your own pricing strategies. This powerful tool enables you to make informed repricing decisions and effectively track the decisions you have previously made.

About Price Glance’s fair price algorithm 
The “Fair Price Algorithm” is generated through an automated algorithm developed by Price Glance. This algorithm takes into account the following criteria:

Competitors' product prices
Cost of goods sold
Product's stock availability
Operating cost
Desired profit margin

Once all the input data is available, the system will utilize the pre-installed algorithm to calculate the Fair Price. Based on the calculated Fair Price, the system will classify them into specific labels and provide corresponding actions on a case-by-case basis.

Customize Price Glance's fair price algorithm

Price Glance offers you the flexibility to customize the parameters of the reasonable price module in the settings. This empowers you to modify the algorithm formula based on the parameters we capture or those you provide, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your unique business model.

If the default repricing feature do not meet your requirements, you have the option to define your own custom repricing rules and share them with us. Our team of professional programmers is ready to assist you in this process. Depending on the complexity of the repricing rules you wish to implement, we will assess the requirements and provide you with a one-off setup quote.

=> Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

Repricing Methods

Price Glance is dedicated to assisting you with targeted repricing actions. Depending on the integration of your store with Price Glance, there are two ways in which repricing can be implemented:

If your store is not directly integrated with your Price Glance account, Price Glance will provide the necessary repricing information, but it will be up to you to apply the changes in your store manually.

If your store is integrated with Price Glance, repricing changes can be directly applied by Price Glance in your store, eliminating the need for manual intervention on your part.