Product Matching

Before monitoring your competitors’ prices, it is necessary to match your products with those of your competitors. This involves identifying the equivalent product on your competitors’ websites and linking it with the corresponding product in Price Glance. We provide two product-matching solutions to cater to your specific requirements.

1. Auto-Matching

Auto-matching is an ongoing automated process that matches products on a regular basis according to your specified intervals to suit your requirements. The match approval procedure can be configured as fully automated, or manual. Once products are successfully matched, they are added to your Price Glance account and monitored for price changes on a regular basis.

When should you opt for Auto-Matching?

Auto-Matching is recommended when your industry utilizes standardized product identifiers such as EANs, MPNs, UPCs, or ASINs. If you have a large number of products (more than 1.000 SKUs) that require matching based on these identifiers, Auto-Matching is the ideal approach to streamline the process efficiently.

How does Auto-Matching work?

Auto-Matching operates by attempting to match all existing products in your account that do not have corresponding URLs on specific competitor websites. This process is automated, saving time and effort.

Manual product matching becomes costly and time-consuming, especially when dealing with a large number of SKUs (2,000 or more). It can take weeks or even months to complete the matching process manually.

Auto-Matching resolves these challenges by providing up-to-date matching data within a few days. As the number of products to be matched increases, the cost-effectiveness of Auto-Matching improves significantly.

2. Manual-matching

Every product in your inventory will undergo a meticulous manual matching process with the corresponding products on your competitors’ websites. This meticulous approach ensures a high-quality and accurate list of matches that surpasses the reliability of typical price comparison engines such as Google Shopping.

Our team goes beyond simply comparing product names. We thoroughly analyze technical specifications and product images to ensure precise and proper matches. This comprehensive approach guarantees the integrity and accuracy of the matched products, providing you with reliable and trustworthy data.

When should you opt for Manual Matching?

Manual product matching is the ideal choice if you have a substantial number of competitor websites to monitor but a relatively small product list. This option allows you to save time while ensuring accurate monitoring of your competitor’s prices.

To initiate the manual matching process, we would require a list of products you wish to add to your Price Glance account, along with the corresponding list of your competitors. Our team will then proceed to set up these products in your Price Glance account, enabling you to receive timely notifications of any detected price changes going forward.